Activity Information

This page was last reviewed on January 19, 2025.

As a staff member, you are expected to uphold a certain standard of activity both in-game and within our Discord server. Below, you will find information about the activity standards we uphold, as well as other information relating to different areas of activity.

Activity Standards

Information about In-Game and Discord activity can be found below.

  • You are required to have 16 hours logged in-game by the end of the month. Your activity is also expected to be relatively spread out throughout the month. You should not be purposefully completing your hours all at once.

    • You are required to spend a minimum of 4 hours on a priority shift type as part of your activity requirement, meaning that ¼ of the activity requirement must be fulfilled by priority shifts. If you log more hours, that is fine; however, a minimum of 4 hours of being on priority is required for the activity requirement.

  • You are expected to maintain an active presence within the Discord server. This entails communicating in channels/voice channels, moderating any users who are in violation of any of our Discord Rules, handling tickets, etc. There isn't an official activity requirement that you must meet within the Discord server, but we expect you to do what was mentioned above.

Activity Infractions

If you fail to meet the activity requirements, you will be issued an infraction when we conduct one of our monthly activity checks. Learn more about the activity infraction system below.

  • Activity Checks are conducted at the end of every month. If you fail to meet the activity standards set out then you will be given an infraction. The infraction format is as follows. Activity Notice 1 > Activity Notice 2 > Termination

  • Activity Notices will expire and be deleted from your record after 3 months of you not receiving another activity notice. This system aims to prevent staff members from being terminated due to an old activity notice. If you would like to know how many activity infractions are currently on your record, reach out to a management member.

  • If you fail to log a minimum of 4 hours on priority, your staff payment will be reduced by half, you will receive a regular staff infraction, and you will become ineligible to receive Staff of the Month. You will receive a staff infraction if you fail to meet your priority hours but still meet the requirement, you will be given an activity notice if you don't meet your overall hours.

Shift Reductions

There may be times when you are unable to meet the activity requirements in full, but you can still log some hours within that month. Shift Reductions are a way to lower the number of hours you are required to log by the end of the month.

Shift Reduction Guidelines

There are certain guidelines you need to know if you are requesting a Shift Reduction.

  • You must have a valid reason to request a Shift Reduction.

  • To request a Shift Reduction, you need to reach out to a 2Txccq (1111495242470936747).

  • If you are unable to meet the activity requirements at all, then you will need to submit a Leave of Absence. More information can be found in the Leave of Absence section.

  • Shift Reductions last for a duration of 1 month unless you state otherwise. Shift Reductions can be a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 4 months.

  • Shift Reductions cannot be requested to fulfill staff duties within another server.

You will be informed when your Shift Reduction ends. Once your Shift Reduction ends, you will be expected to meet the activity requirements. If you need an extension to your Shift Reduction, contact the management member who informed you that it had ended.

Last updated

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