Punishment Logging
This page was last reviewed on January 19, 2025.
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This page was last reviewed on January 19, 2025.
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Punishment Logging is an important aspect of your moderation responsibilities. Each time you issue a punishment to a member, it will be logged via Melonly. The process of how to log a punishment can be found below, along with other sections relating to areas such as ban bolos, etc.
Logging a punishment is simple to do. However, you need to consider all of the other sections on this page, such as the formats, etc. You also need to consider the punishment guidelines section, which will be released soon. This section tells you what punishment is recommended for certain actions.
Head to the Moderator Panel to create a new log.
You will start by typing out the user's Roblox username. Melonly will display a few options as it has the ability to find a user's Roblox account information. Make sure you select the correct one.
Next, you will select the type. This will depend on what punishment you're giving the user. Please note that the 'Note' punishment type is not to be used.
You will now type out the punishment reason. When doing so, make sure it follows the punishment formats below, if applicable. The punishment log will look something like this.
You will now click the 'Create' button and the infraction will be logged and will be visible on the right-hand side of your screen or if you search the user's Roblox username.
If you ever need to edit one of your infractions, then you will click the three dots in the right-hand corner of the infraction and select the "Edit Log" option. Please note, as a moderator you are not able to delete any logs. Only administrators and above have the permission to do this. If you submitted a punishment by mistake, head to the #voiding-a-moderation section.
Our punishment structure has recently changed as of July 12, 2024. All members can receive a certain number of punishments before being banned. A member can get up to 5 punishments before they are banned from our server. The first ban they receive will be an appealable ban. If the appeal is accepted, the member can then receive another 5 punishments before they are given a permanent ban from the server. The punishments issued by a moderator are at their discretion. However, we encourage moderators to warn a user rather than removing them from the server with a kick. A kick may be necessary if a user is causing disruption or if they have received multiple warnings for the same rule violation. An example of what a members moderation logs could look like will be below. Warn > Warn > Kick > Warn > Kick > Appealable Ban appeal is accepted, note added to moderation logs by management Warn > Kick > Kick > Warn > Kick > Permanent Ban As seen above, there is no set structure to follow. Members can be issued a warning or a kick depending on the severity of their rule violation and the moderator's discretion. However, the maximum number of punishments a member should have before their first appealable ban is five, making their first appealable ban their sixth total moderation log. If their appeal is accepted by management, the member can receive another five punishments before being issued their second permanent ban, bringing their total moderation logs to twelve. Notes do not count towards the total punishment log, so do not assume that just because you see a log, it is a warning or a kick; it could be a note. There will always be a note attached to a members moderation record if their appeal is accepted.
When logging certain punishments, they require a certain format to be used. These formats can be found below along with additional formatting information.
You are required to separate punishment reasons with a ,
and nothing else. If you are found to be using lines or anything else then you may be infracted.
You must use spelling, punctuation and grammar correctly when logging a punishment.
If you are logging a appealable ban, you will put [Appealable]
in-front of the users punishment reason.
If you are logging a permanent ban, you will put [Permanent]
in-front of the users punishment reason.
If a member has used a record clear, which is a perk they get from purchasing the elite membership, a note will be added to their punishment logs by management.
If a members in-game appeal is accepted, a management member will add a note to the members punishment logs. Infractions that are removed from a punishment appeal form being sent will be deleted and do not have a note attached to them.
This section will contain different subsections aimed at various staff members, as certain staff members will have permission to ban
users in-game.
Before issuing or completing a ban bolo, consider these guidelines. Whether you issue a ban bolo or complete one will depend on your position within the staff team.
When issuing a ban bolo, you should only do so if a user has received the maximum number of punishments and needs to be banned in-game, if they LTAP (Leave to Avoid Punishment), which results in an instant ban from our in-game server, or if they violate our rules to such a degree that it necessitates a ban (e.g., Mass RDM, etc.).
When completing a ban bolo, it's essential to consider whether the ban bolo is valid. You can do this by referring to the guideline on issuing a ban bolo above. If the ban bolo submitted is invalid, you will delete it using the three dots and selecting 'Delete' and inform the staff member who submitted the ban bolo that it was deleted and the reason why.
When completing a ban bolo, you need to consider whether the ban bolo follows all moderation formats found in the 'Moderation Format' section above. If a ban bolo doesn't follow the formats, you should inform the person who issued the ban bolo about this and tell them to correct it before the ban bolo can be completed.
As a moderator, you will primarily be responsible for issuing ban bolo, as you do not have the ability to ban someone within the in-game server. The process for submitting a ban bolo is simple, so please follow the instructions below.
To issue a ban bolo, make sure it follows the Ban Bolo Guidelines above.
If the ban bolo meets the guidelines, proceed to log the infraction as you would with a regular infraction. For the infraction type, select the 'Ban Bolo' option.
The user for who you have submitted a ban bolo for will appear on the right-hand side of your screen. Here, you can review the information of the ban bolo. As a moderator, you won't be able to delete the active ban bolo; instead, you will need to request a void on the moderation. To do this, visit the #voiding-a-moderationsection down below.
If the ban bolo you submitted is valid, an Administrator will complete the ban bolo. Once the ban bolo has been completed, it will be displayed as follows, and the user will be banned in-game.
As an Administrator, you will be responsible for completing ban bolos and ensuring that they adhere to the Ban Bolo Guidelines while doing so.
Head to the Moderator Panel and locate the tab labeled 'More Options' at the top right-hand corner of your screen, where all the punishments are displayed.
Once clicked, you will be presented with search filter options. Within the type section, select 'Active Ban Bolo' and then press the search button.
If anyone has been given a Ban Bolo, it will appear highlighted in a yellow box.
There are a few ways that you can complete a ban bolo, however, first you need to ensure that the ban bolo submitted by the staff member is valid and follows all the Ban Bolo Guidelines.
If the ban bolo that was submitted does meet the guidelines, then you will proceed with completing the ban bolo using one of the available methods.
Option 1
If you're doing it the traditional way of using the command while in-game, then you will copy their Roblox Player ID and use the :ban [RobloxPlayerID]
command. Once you have done this, you will select the three dots in the corner of the ban bolo and select the 'Mark as Completed' button.
Option 2
You can utilize the Virtual Server Management function to carry out a ban while outside of the game. Please note that the server must be active with at least one player for this to work. If you opt for this method, you will select the 'Run Command' option from the ER:LC Toolbox and input the command as shown below. Once completed, click the three dots in the corner of the ban record and select 'Mark as Completed'.
Option 3
This option is the simplest option and is recommended when completing ban bolos. With Melonly connecting to the in-game server, simply clicking the three dots in the corner of the ban bolo and selecting 'Mark as Completed' will automatically ban the user from the in-game server and complete the ban bolo log. Please note that the server must be active with at least one player for this to work.
In the event that a ban bolo submitted by another staff member is invalid or requires correction, there are specific steps to follow. If correction is needed, alert them to the mistake within a staff chat and specify what requires correction, usually relating to the formatting of the ban bolo. If the ban bolo is invalid, delete it using the three dots and then inform the staff member that the request was voided, providing the reason for voiding.
There may be times when you need to void a punishment, whether it's because you accidentally applied it to the wrong person or for some other reason. There are guidelines regarding voiding a punishment, so please review them below.
When requesting for a moderation/punishment to be voided and/or completing a punishment void, you must adhere to these guidelines.
If more than one staff member was present during the punishment being given, both of them must submit a separate void request.
When submitting a punishment void, you must have a valid reason for it to be voided. The only accepted circumstances are that you submitted the moderation by mistake and/or you have received new evidence that proved that the user didn't do what they were infracted for.
When reviewing a punishment appeal, you need to ensure that it is for a valid reason such as the ones stated above this specific guideline. Depending on whether or not the request is valid or invalid, you will take the steps highlighted below.
As a moderator, you do not have the permissions to void or delete a punishment on your own. Instead, you need to submit a request for the punishment to be voided.
Before submitting a request, ensure that the conditions for requesting a punishment to be voided are met. These guidelines can be found above. If they are, move onto the next step.
Head to the punishment void channel within the Discord and fill in the format.
Wait for an Administrator or higher-ranking staff member to review your void request. Once reviewed, the request will be deleted, and you will be informed of the outcome.
As an administrator or higher-ranking staff member, you will be responsible for reviewing any punishment void requests submitted in the channel. The process can be found below.
When a punishment void request gets sent in, you will do an initial review to make sure that it follows all Voiding Guidelinesthat are found above. If it doesn't, you will delete the request and inform the staff member who submitted it.
If the punishment void request meets all the guidelines, then you will make a final decision on whether or not the punishment should be voided.
If you chose to void a punishment, you will head to the Moderator Panel and find the infraction that the staff member is requesting to be voided/removed.
You will then delete the punishment and inform the staff member that their request has been reviewed and the punishment/ moderation has been deleted.
When logging punishments, you are required to use the punishment presets. Punishment Presets allow staff members to select preset reasons that they can attach to punishment logs. These presets enable staff to quickly log punishments and ensure accuracy in spelling and other details. You can access the punishment presets by clicking the icon on the 'reason' box. This will bring up a menu where you can choose from a range of different punishment reasons. After you have selected the punishment reasons you want, they will be added in the reason box separated by commas. If you are logging an appealable or permanent ban, you will still need to follow the punishment formats and add 'Appealable' or 'Permanent' in front of the punishment reason(s).